Primele șase seturi de automotoare IC3, destinate operatorului Ferotrafic-TFI, au ajuns vineri, 10 ianuarie, în Portul Constanța, a anunțat Clubul Feroviar într-o postare pe o rețea de socializare. Trenurile, care ating o viteză de până la 180 km/h, vor intra în circulație pe 18 mai 2025 și vor circula pe relațiile Iași-București Nord, Suceava-București Nord […]
The text indicates that the user tried to access information about new private Intercity trains in Romania arriving at the Port of Constanta but received an error message due to "Too Many Requests".
The core concept is rate limiting, a common web service protection mechanism that prevents overloading servers by restricting the number of requests a user can make within a given timeframe.
The text indicates that the user tried to access information about new private Intercity trains in Romania arriving at the Port of Constanta but received an error message due to "Too Many Requests". The core concept is rate limiting, a common web service protection mechanism that prevents overloading servers by restricting the number of requests a user can make within a given timeframe.